Thursday 16 January 2014

Obasanjo, Goodluck and the lies/truth you didn't know

In the late last year, which turned out to be a season of open letters, that many Nigerians have been talking about; a certain letter written to President Goodluck Jonathan by former President Olusegun Obasanjo. has spiced lots of controversy amoung people. recently Goodluck also sent his open letter to media which he structured in 1st to 10th reason his reply to Obasanjo Letter but i found something more compelling in his sixth reason, which the role baba have played in Goodluck  political life according to Jonathan, in his sixth reason for replying the former president's letter he also admitted that aside 'baba'  having ruled the country twice both as a military head of headstate for three years and eight months, and an elected President for eight years. that Obasanjo commands considerable international clout. If such a man says the current president of his country is hiring killers just to stay in office and that corruption has reached the level of impunity, one can only imagine the kind of damaging reports ambassadors in Nigeria have been sending to their home countries in the last couple of days.especially Americans and Uk.
Back to the farce any honest interrogation of the contents must begin from the motive. Why did Obasanjo write the letter? The answer is simple: He wrote it to exact some revenge from an “ungrateful” benefactor. That explains why he began by stating: “Mr President, you have on a number of occasions acknowledged the role God enabled me to play in your ascension to power. You mentioned me third after God and your parents among those that have impacted most on your life.” Anybody with a little intelligence would know that what Obasanjo was saying in effect to President Jonathan is: "I made you...."  Jonathan also refused to indulge in the same blistering castigating negative attacks that Obasanjo had launched against him but Jonathan’s respectful tone in his reply stands out in contrast to Obasanjo’s castigating ‘I-made-you-I-own-you-and-you-are-nobody’ demeaning tone, filled with unfounded allegations.  These contrasting tones infer a level-headed man with facts on his side, versus an individual throwing tamper tantrum.--uuhmm...It is indeed instructive that some of the personal injuries that inform Obasanjo’s current angst are well highlighted in his letter. From the charge that the president had been ignoring his previous letters
There is also sufficient hint in the letter to indicate he feels  unhappy probably becasue President Jonathan did not let the ex- president (Obasanjo) meddle so much into his government any more, and this might have gone against his political godfather's interest.So he is is disgruntled about that.

On the issue of foreign investors coming to Nigeria, Obasanjo accused Jonathan of scaring away investors.  If truth should be told, which foreign company would want to invest in a country with the Boko Haram demolishing a United Nations office with bombs, killing thousands of people, setting fires to school hostels.  But despite all that, Jonathan showed that his administration had performed more than what Obasanjo had achieved in eight years instead of the three years it had taken him.
Wrote Jonathan to Obasanjo, “On the issue of investors being scared to come to Nigeria, economic dormancy, and stagnation, I will just refer you to FDI statistics from 2000 to 2013. Within the last three years, Nigeria has emerged as the preferred destination for investments in Africa, driven by successful government policies to attract foreign investors. For the second year running, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Investments (UNCTAD) has ranked Nigeria as the number one destination for investments in Africa, and as having the fourth highest returns in the world.
Today, Nigeria is holding 18 percent of all foreign investments in Africa and 60 percent of all foreign investments in the ECOWAS Sub-Region. Kindly note also that in the seven years between 2000 and 2007 when you were President, Nigeria attracted a total of $24.9 Billion in FDI. As a result of our efforts which you disparage, the country has seen an FDI inflow of $25.7 Billion in just three years which is more than double the FDI that has gone to the second highest African destination. We have also maintained an annual national economic growth rate of close to seven per cent since the inception of this administration. What then, is the justification for your allegation of scared investors and economic dormancy?”
However, the bit that is most damaging in Obasanjo’s letter is not even the issue of presidential zoning or the “1000 snipers” tale that president Goodluck is hiring killers just to stay in office, but rather the inference to President Jonathan’s lukewarm disposition to issues of accountability and transparency; because he only re-echoed what most people have been saying. While perception may be different from reality, when it comes to corruption, what is often measured is what the people believe with respect to the management of public resources and that is one area in which this administration has been failing rather spectacularly. Most Nigerians today believe that the Jonathan administration is not committed to the fight against corruption and that feeling is not helped by the EFCC statement lately that it has been so starved of operational funds that it cannot even boast of N2 million in its account! How can such a commission fight corruption?
What the foregoing says very clearly is that nobody should be under any illusion that Obasanjo wrote Jonathan that stinker out of any sense of patriotism. No, the letter--which is patently self-serving, In another 11 pages Open letter purpotedly written by Iyabo Obasanjo the daughter of the former President Olusegun Obasanjo. She allegedly denounced ex-president Obasanjo as a self-seeking man lacking in all key expectations of a father and a leader, but often appearing quick to accuse others of the same ills. She also allegedly described her father as a liar, manipulator, two-faced hypocrite determined to foist on President Goodluck Jonathan what no one would contemplate with him as president.

So this give a clear hint that Obasanjo letter to Jonathan is selfseeking not out of being a patriotic Nigerian.
In my own opinion; On the other hand i will say Obasanjo has been a patriotic Nigerian, but a man within the field of play may never know the mistakes he is making while still in the game, but as he is replaced and sits on the bench to watch others play, he can now see and wish he can go back and ultimately do better. That is the case of President Obasanjo. Now that he cannot go back to becoming the head of state or president, I think he owe the incumbent a duty to help him see and correct some of the mistakes he made while in office. I think it will be futile for the incumbent to think it negative to be criticize, I will rather that he takes that criticism and make something good out of it.
All those who have been privileged to rule Nigeria must continue to speak up on national issues whether the incumbent is performing or not. That is the way to ensure that the country attains its greatness." and i also think we shud encourage more open letter 'because the open from OBJ to GEJ has actually made GEJ give a report on his successes, challenges and failures....which he hasn't given since the commencement of his reign

Celebrities and Social media

social media was once intended to bridge the great divide between celebrities and fans. Platforms like facebook, Instagram and Twitter have taken on a life of their own with the average interacting with. Unfortunately the social outlets that allow stars like Tonto Dike, Kcee, Uche Jombo, wizkid etc to get close and personal with their adoring fans, have caused global embarrassment, or worse for some stars.
instantly releasing their opinions and thoughts for all to see, many celebs skip forethought when hitting the share button. this was wreaked havoc on their lives and images, leading to social media wars, angry fans and in some cases legal repercussions.
singer like wizkid has become notorious for sparking outrage across the landscape of twitter and instagram. Lately he insulted a fan For correcting his English on a photo on his Instagram page, Wizkid told a fan that 'broke people always think they have an opinion'. His fans took offense over his comments and called him out on Twitter. some celebrities bumped their account into private mode or slamming social media. one celebrity stated "social media takes away the essence of why we are even special or icon. so with that i'm detaching myself from that world"
Acress Halimat Abukar also found hersef in a hot water this past month, when one of  the talented thespian twitter followers got angry with her after she was begged for a follow back. When the award winning actress declined, the fan tweeted at her, "why forming for me nah? Follow me back, you don't want to. Don't you know that I am your sister?

"Who you be self? You fine reach Tonto, or my queen, Mercy Johnson? You this shortie, you expired maggot."...... Continue to see the actress reply and subsequent tweets from both of them..

And actress fired back, "I am nothing, but you followed me. Go f*ck yourself."

The fan responded, "I followed you because I want to be seeing your mess up. You this godiga (gold digger), smelling 'ascrimate'. Go f*ck yourself, you this public toilet."

Halima continued, "and hey expired? You mean your pus*y? Bit*h, I am not 30 yet. So, hey, hop on a d*ck and do a full split."

One of her fans told her that she should have remained silent on the issue. Another fan of hers, "Sweetie, it is very unhealthy for a status chic of your type to lose her cool publicly"
Tonto Dikeh  has also received her fair share of backlash throughout Twitter channels after sharing aspects of her personal life. The Poko Singer has become the subject of thousands of headlines, with attacking her collegues and fans with abusive words, she recently tweets calling actress "mercy johnson" a fool and bastard. she have converted her twitter handle to an abusive tool for fans and fellow colleagues. Totonto has now become more notorious for unapologetically waging wars on twitter than for her acting/singing talents.

An american born singer, Rihanna has also created some serius buzz among Twitter follwers after posting pictures of marijuana bud she believed resembled a skull. in one instance a fan had compared her to Whitney Houston on Instagram following one of the 24year old's infamous photos of her smoking a joint. Rihana shot back, insulting the fan before deleting the interaction on her account. "Yeah cuz Whitnet overdosed on a joint!!! Fuck outta here you weak bitch!!"
Ruggedman and  Goldie before her demise also had a twitter war with a fan by twitter name "akegag" after he took to twitter with abusive statement  saying  “Ruggedman deserves to die after making us endure all the wacky s**t he makes us hear, It would be cool if he was dead though, wack rapper.”  In a reply, Ruggedman tweeted, “please twifam, join me as I mourn the death of akegag,
In a support of to colleague in the music industry, Goldie picked on akegag when she tweeted, “you are telling celebs that they should die, it is uncalled for. The other day, you said I wasn’t worth it, I ignored you.” Ruggedman tweeted these curses on akegag, “Father Lord God, for akegag and anyone like him, let his prosperity be cut off; and in the generation following, let their names be blotted out and cut off the memory of them from the earth. Let his children continually be vagabonds, and beg; let them seek bread in desolate places. Let his prayers become sin. In Jesus name I have prayed. AMEN.”

While Ruggedman was doing the curses, the following was going on between Goldie and akegag.

Akegag: “When will Goldie change her weave, it is nasty now, maybe it is Brazilian.

Goldie: “You will be nothing but a fake wack bas***d who thrives on twitter famzing and will be forgotten as soon as a new social network comes up.”

Akegag: “Shut up hot kini. Goldie an ugly whore spotting fake weave-on! National cake, f**k anywhere belle face

Goldie: “No wonder you are confused, your uncle actually paid to f**k your mother. So sad you don’t even know who your daddy is. Meaning your mother was a never do well whore who f**ked whatever was paid to her to, including rodents and pigs.

Akegag: I bet you slept with all the producers and they did you till all your hair fell off, hence, the weave on. Goldie is actually her stripper name and Ruggedman will remain rugged and wretched. Goldie sang you don’t need to pay to touch her body. I guess she’s a free bi**h with a bald hair-do.

Goldie: I am having fun at your expense; I might walk around bald for all that I care, I will still be Goldie, and you? I have nothing more to say to you, you can kiss my fake blonde weave-on, lol and go RIPieces as Ruggedman has already said. Cheers.
some celebrities have sworn off the social media altogether. Actress Oge Okoye , has slammed the social platforms. "i'm sick of it. Exhausted. and it makes me numb and that's dangerous. she give up the management to her publicist following a tweet involing an issue. sharing her opinions. Oge was attacked by her own fans and others which almost tarnish her image in the public eye. her publicit fire back 'stop bullying Oge okoye you bullied her and made her hypertensive. do u want to send her to where u sent Goldie to?"
 People are just under a barrage. there's no time to think and people are'not making their own opinions. and it makes intimacy almost impossible. And i find that worrisome, really worrisome. whats going to happen in time, with a generation of people who have that kind of ADD?.